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I think of Abood in front of all the exiting and diverse characters of Freej when I think of this event. He has his life in front of him, and he will meet exiting people and encounter challenges and adventures. These meeting are gems and treasures that he can collect and learn from. On his birthday he is the most important person but there are many other important persons in life as well. He needs to grow in skills but also in love. Being the VIP does not mean he is the only VIP.

The music needs to be
Tribal Simple Catchy Flexible Fun

Melody: Simple, playful, catchy: Like Axel F, Take on me or Just can't get enough
Chords: Warm, powerful: Sky full of stars , Two Worlds
Beat: Tribal, primal, earthy: I like to move it
Orchestral: Gives depth and epic cinematic quality

I am inspired by what Phil Collins and Elton John did in Tarzan and Lion King as well simple hooks like Aviici, Coldplay and a-ha. As always, I have an inclination towards the orchestral epic side as well.

The vibe needs to convey warmth and colourfulness as well as fun. There is space for electronic vibes and coolness as well as 4 on the floor energy. We can go naive but there could definitively be room for a pop approach. It needs to simple but still have depth.

Participation from the kids will be in dance and possible using their bodies as percussion elements as in the musical STOMP.

We can incorporate the name of the kid in the song if we plan for that (time wise, availability of singer).
I have chosen the tracks here based on the content but also because they are not too expensive to recreate. Still, to reach the level we want here we need to factor in at least one or two musicians as well as mastering in my opinion. We need to aim for top level production but also to not lose sight of playfulness and warmth.

The first step is to create a theme that is flexible enough to fit into all the iterations it will be produced in. This is the foundation of all that follows and we need to spend enough time here. Does it work in a poptrack, does it work as orchestral etc. The creation of these version will be a lot of fun! We need t constantly evaluate whether the theme is simple enough, catchy enough etc.

I would love to have fun and apply all that I know and my sense of hooks in pop and orchestral music in this adventure.




Inspiration/ aspect 1: Classic emotional pop

For the kid: These songs are chosen to Gives a sense of adventure
For the parents: Conveys the love towards the child on this life journey

Inspiration/ aspect 2: Orchestral Adventures

Inspiration/ aspect 3:  Modern dance and pop

For the kid: Colour, playfulness
For the parents: A hint of EDM and Avicii

Inspiration/ aspect 4: Catchy 80s licks

For the kid: Conveys simplistic and hooky melodies
For the parents: A nod to the 80s and 90s that is reminding them of their own childhood

Inspiration/ aspect 5: Tribal

This adds primal beats that contrast the melodicness and european/ americanness of the other tracks

Sveinung Nygaard